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On April 25, 2019 Dr. Schein spoke at the Twelfth Annual Psychology Day at the United Nations at UN Headquarters in New York. The event was co-sponsored by the Permanent  Missions to the United Nations of  Palau and the Dominican Republic. 


A panel of four experts focused on ways psychologists contribute to promoting UN Sustainable Development Goal 5: achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.  H.E. Ambassador Richard Arbeiter, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Canada, moderated the panel presentations. 


Dr. Schein’s presentation was entitled: Women at the Top: From Gender Bias to Gender Balance. A reception at the UN Headquarters followed the event.



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On January 10, 2019, Dr. Virginia E. Schein gave an Invited Keynote Address at the British Psychological Society, Division of Occupational Psychology Annual Conference in Chester, England. The theme of the conference was “Thriving at Work” and was attended by practitioners and academics from around the world. Dr. Schein spoke on Think Manager- Think Male?  From Gender Bias to Gender Balance. 

Following the conference she traveled to Edinburgh, Scotland to give a seminar at the University of Edinburgh Business School.   Dr. Schein also met with doctoral students in the Organisation Studies research group at the Business School.

Watch Dr. Schein's keynote here.



In March of 2018 Dr. Virginia Schein attended the 62nd Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at the UN Headquarters in New York as a representative of the Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development (CSEND), an ECOSOC- accredited NGO based in Geneva. CSW is the UN’s largest annual gathering on gender equality and women’s rights. More than 4, 300 representatives from over 600 civil society organizations and 170 Member States attended this year’s Commission. 

Dr. Schein also participated on a panel on “Gender Equality in Leadership: Strategies for Making Global Progress” in conjunction with CSW62. Her presentation was on When Women Lead: Competency, Courage, Connectivity. The panel was organized by Dr. Lise Saari and sponsored by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology



In February of 2017, Dr. Schein participated in a Panel Discussion/Side Event held in conjunction with the 55th Session of the United Nations Commission for Social Development at UN Headquarters in New York. The theme of the Commission for 2017 was “Strategies for the Eradication of Poverty to Achieve Sustainable Development for All.” Dr. Schein’s presentation on “Decent Work, Not Just a Job, as the Pathway out of Poverty” was based on her research on work issues of low-income women in Nicaragua.

The panel was organized by Dr. Mary Berry O’Neill and Dr. Walter Reichman, who served as Chair and Discussant respectively. The title of the panel was “Decent Work as the Most Important Strategy for Poverty Eradication” and was co-sponsored by the International Association of Applied Psychology, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, International Council of Psychologists, Psychology Coalition of NGOs Accredited at the United Nations, and Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.    




On October 6, 2015 Dr. Schein delivered the opening Keynote Address for the Women at the TOP international scientific conference held at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. The title of her presentation was: Think Manager-Think Male? Implications of Gender Balance. The invited attendees were senior level women in business, government and third sector organizations. Danuta Pieter, Executive Director of the Fondation Hopitaux de Paris-Hopitaux de France and special advisor to its President, former First Lady Bernadette Chirac, and Dr. Rosalind Searle, Professor of Organizational Behavior at Coventry University, were also guest speakers.   


The conference was sponsored by the Polish Association of Organizational Psychology, Division 1 of the International Association of Applied Psychology, and the School of Management and the Institute of Psychology at the University of Silesia. The conference had the honorary patronage of the Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment and the Rector of the University of Silesia.



In May of 2015 Dr. Schein gave presentations in the United Kingdom and Norway. In the United Kingdom she delivered invited keynotes at Sheffield University Management School (SUMS) and Coventry University.  At SUMS she spoke to business members of the HR Leaders Network. She also was hosted at a luncheon given by the SUMS graduate students.  At Coventry University Dr. Schein gave the opening Keynote Address for a one day conference on Woman with Power attended by members of the business, government and third sector communities. The conference was sponsored by the Center for Trust, Peace and Social Relations at Coventry University and the Division of Occupational Psychology of The British Psychological Society.


Dr. Schein’s talk was entitled: Think Manager-Think Male? Implications of Gender Balance.  In it she explored the question: If we had a more balanced representation of women in positions of power and influence, would it matter?

Keynote at Coventry University

EAWOP Congress (Oslo, Norway)

Sheffield University Management School

In Oslo, Norway Dr. Schein participated in three sessions at the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress.  She was the invited discussant for a symposium on “Mind the Gap! Organizations on Their Way to Gender Fairness: Where We Are and Where We Should Go," which featured her gender stereotyping research. She gave a presentation on “Social Advocacy Research: Using Research for Change,” as part of an invited symposium on “Policy Matters: How Can We Achieve Greater Influence and Create Changes in Policy?” Dr. Schein also participated on an international panel of I- O psychologists looking at professional issues.  

An international lecturer since 1972, Dr. Schein’s presentation sites include:


Brussels, Belgium;  Ontario, Toronto and Vancouver, Canada;  

Paris and Lyon, France;  Munich, Germany;  Athens,  Greece; Mexico City,  Mexico;  Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Oslo,  Norway;  Katowice, Poland;  Lisbon,  Portugal; Singapore;  Cape Town, South Africa; Madrid, Spain; Geneva,  Switzerland;  Istanbul, Turkey; Coventry, Dunchurch, Harrogate, Sheffield, London and Warwickshire, United Kingdom. 

Recent keynote addresses and presentations include:



Women, Work and Poverty: Using Research for Social Change (Transversal Keynote Address)

International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, 2014.


Gender Stereotyping and Requisite Management Characteristics: Implications of Gender Balance (Divisional Keynote Address) International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, 2014.


Psychological Functions of  Participation in Work-Related Groups for Materially Impoverished Women

CSend Dialogue Forum, Geneva, 2014.


Women and Work: Using Research as a Strategy for Change (Keynote Address)

Women in Management Symposium, Istanbul Kultur University, Turkey, 2010.


Three Decades of Research on Gender Stereotyping and Requisite Management Characteristics

University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland, 2008.


Women in Management: Reflections and Projections (Presidential Address)

Division of Work and Organizational Psychology, International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, 2006.   


Gender and Leadership

Eastern Academy of Management and the University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 2005.      


Three Decades of Research on Gender Stereotyping and Requisite Management Characteristics: Implications for Women’s Progress in Management Worldwide, (Keynote Address)

British Psychological Society, Division of Occupational Psychology, Warwickshire, England, 2005.

© 2022 Virginia Schein


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